Data repository « __repository_referral_name » available from the API of apimo™ real estate software CRM.
Data repository « referral »: __repository_referral.
Referans | Deger |
1 | Emlakci |
2 | Arama |
3 | Isbirligi |
4 | Gazete |
5 | Is saglayan |
6 | Internet |
7 | Bilinirlik |
8 | Vitrin |
9 | Diger |
10 | Iliski |
11 | Prospeksiyon |
12 | Salon |
13 | Brosur |
14 | Levha |
15 | Dergi |
16 | Mail gönderimi |
17 | E-mail gönderimi |
18 | Eski müsteri |
19 | Tahmini |
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