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apiwork™, şirket

Apiwork gayrimenkul konusunda uzmanlaşmış bir yazılım düzenleyici şirketidir. Web 2.0 teknolojisine sahip web siteleri de oluşturmaktayız. En önemli emlak ve müşterilerimiz Avrupa, Asya, Kuzey Afrika ve Orta Doğu’dadır

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Apiwork™ şirketi

Temel görüşümüzü asla kaybetmeyiz: senin sorunun.
Bu websitesi bir amaç değil, organizasyonlara hizmet eden bir araçtır.Vizyonumuzu ve çalışma şeklimizi şekillendiren yeni Web 2.0 kültürü ile internet değerlerimizi yaratan bir araç.



Ekibimiz gelecekteki çalışma araçlarınızı ve müşteri memnuniyetini geliştirmek için her gün çalışır. Şirketimiz güçlü iş tecrübesine sahip genç çalışanlardan oluşmaktadır.

Management team

Nicolas Guillaud de Saint-Ferréol
Guillaud de Saint-Ferréol CEO Interview
Timothée Pinon
Timothée Pinon Teknik servis
Charlotte Guigli
Charlotte Guigli International Sales Officer
Olivier Diez
Olivier Diez Commercial Director
Thomas Gohm
Thomas Gohm Country Manager Lüksemburg
Stefano DE VITTORIOCountry Manager İtalya
Candice Schurr
Candice SchurrFinancial Director
Romane Frayssinet
Romane FrayssinetHuman resources manager
Gabrielle Affre
Gabrielle AffreCustomer success Manager
Bram Vandeborne
Bram VandeborneCountry Manager Belçika
Gaetan Giordano
Gaëtan GiordanoSedentary sales manager Fransa


apiwork™ kariyerleri:




How Apimo was born?

Interview with Nicolas

Let's talk about the high school student « Nicolas Guillaud de Saint-Ferréol », how did the idea of launching a real estate software come to him?

« In high school, I had a very geeky profile.
I was pursuing my secondary education in Nice and it was thanks to my brother that I got to know the real estate world. A small group of agencies at the time: Catherine Mamet. They didn't even have ADSL. One of their employees drove from agency to agency, with a diskette, to update the files.

So I was presented with the idea of creating a centralized tool to share ad listings. I knew how to code, I developed a lot of computer programs for my own pleasure. So the first thing to do was to equip them with broadband. I then made my own little program, which I installed in their machines and took the opportunity to create their first website: »

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