Bir randevu ayarla

Webservice & API

Sayın emlakçılar, API yazılımına hoş geldiniz, burada bir emlak ajansının tüm bilgilerini, ürünlerini, kişilerini ve ayarlarını bulabilirsiniz. Haklarınıza bağlı olarak potansiyel müşteriler gibi bazı bilgilerinizi gönderebilirsiniz.


Bizimle baglantiya gecin


Mevcut yöntemler

HTTP yöntemi Yol Fonksiyon
get /agencies Retrieve the business units list

get Retrieve the business units list /agencies

Yol parametreleri

  • Hayır

İçerik parametrelerini isteyin

  • limit  The number of records to return (max: 1000, default: 1000)
  • offset  The number of records to skip (default: 0)

İçerik cevabı

  • total_items  The total number of item regardless of pagination
  • agencies  Array
    • id  Unique ID
    • active  true/false (boolean)
    • name  Name
    • company  Name of the company
    • brand  Member of a network/brand
    • address  Postal address
    • address_more  Postal address (more)
    • city  City object
    • country  Country code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
    • region  Name of the region area
    • latitude  Latitude coordinates
    • longitude  Longitude coordinates
    • email  e-mail address
    • phone  Phone number
    • fax  Fax number
    • url  Website address (without http://)
    • logo  URL for logo
    • logo_svg  URL for logo in vector format (SVG)
    • picture  URL for picture
    • currency  Default currency ISO 4217
    • created_at  Date/time of the first creation
    • updated_at  Date/time of the last update

İçerik cevabı Gizli modu

  • agencies  Array
    • subscription  Subscription type

İstek örneği

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--user 'provider:token'
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, 'provider:token');
$output = curl_exec($ch);
$values = json_decode($output, true);

Örnek cevap

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 08:57:59 +0200
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 137
Connection: keep-alive
Vary: Accept-Encoding

{"agencies":[{"id":"14","active":true,"name":"SwissMedImmo","company":"WYLER IMMOBILIER","brand":null,"address":"22, rue Lepante","address_more":null,"city":{"id":"2123","name":"Nice","zipcode":"06000"},"country":"FR","region":"Alpes-Maritimes","latitude":"43.70522","longitude":"7.26951","email":"","phone":"+33497000462","fax":"+33497000464","url":"","logo":null,"logo_svg":null,"picture":"https:\/\/\/agency\/14\/photo_51750c7f4816a.jpg","currency":"EUR","created_at":"2007-03-27 17:15:43","updated_at":"2016-04-16 14:51:23"}],"total_items":1}

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