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Webservice & API

Welcome to our API dedicated to Real Estate providers, you will find all the details of a real estate agency with its products, contacts and settings. Depending on your rights you can also send some information such as leads.


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Available methods

HTTP method Path Function
get /agencies/{agency_id}/residences Retrieve the residences list

get Retrieve the residences list /agencies/{agency_id}/residences

Path parameters

  • agency_id  The unique id for the real estate agency

Request body parameters

  • limit  The number of records to return (max: 10000, default: 10000)
  • offset  The number of records to skip (default: 0)
  • timestamp  Return records created or updated since this UNIX/POSIX timestamp

Response body

  • total_items  The total number of item regardless of pagination
  • timestamp  UNIX/POSIX timestamp of the most recent item inside this list
  • requests  Array
    • id  Unique ID of the residence
    • user  Unique ID of the user
    • type  Type of residence/building/property
    • name  Name of the residence
    • reference  Reference of the residence
    • location_reference  Reference of the location
    • address  Address, street name
    • address_more  More details about address
    • city  Array
      • id  Unique ID of the city
      • name  Name of the city
      • zipcode  Postal code of the property
    • district  Array
      • id  Unique ID of the district
      • name  Name of the district
    • country  Country code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
    • longitude  GPS longitude
    • latitude  GPS latitude
    • construction_year  Year of the construction
    • standing  Standing of the property (High standard, luxury)
    • floors  Floors number of the building
    • lots  Number of lots
    • total_shares  Total of shares
    • code  Entry code
    • code_at  Date of the last entry code
    • comment  Free comment
    • contacts  Array
      • comment  List of contacts
    • created_at  Date/time of the first creation
    • updated_at  Date/time of the last update

Example request

curl --request GET \
--url '{agency_id}/residences' \
--user 'provider:token'
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '{agency_id}/residences');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, 'provider:token');
$output = curl_exec($ch);
$values = json_decode($output, true);

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 04:30:39 +0200
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 137
Connection: keep-alive
Vary: Accept-Encoding

{"residences":[{"id":"35704","user":"8265","type":"2","name":"LES GLYCINES","reference":null,"location_reference":null,"address":"","address_more":"","city":{"id":"183085","name":"Aubonne","zipcode":"1170"},"district":null,"country":"CH","longitude":"6.39172","latitude":"46.49536","construction_year":null,"standing":null,"floors":"4","lots":"12","total_shares":null,"code":null,"code_at":null,"comment":null,"contacts":[],"created_at":"2015-11-17 14:13:44","updated_at":"2015-11-17 14:13:44"},{"id":"32265","user":"8266","type":"2","name":"LES INCAS","reference":null,"location_reference":null,"address":"7, route des Francs Tireurs","address_more":"","city":{"id":"182932","name":"Lausanne","zipcode":"1000"},"district":null,"country":"CH","longitude":"6.61116","latitude":"46.59880","construction_year":"2006","standing":"4","floors":"3","lots":"6","total_shares":null,"code":null,"code_at":null,"comment":null,"contacts":[{"contact":"4753321","type":"3","shares":"34.00","property":{"rooms":"3","bedrooms":"2","subtype":"63","area":"300.00","floor":{"type":23,"value":null}},"comment":"test"}],"created_at":"2015-07-22 13:39:46","updated_at":"2017-04-07 11:12:06"}],"total_items":2,"timestamp":1491556326}

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